First meeting of the Reflection Group on the European Local Democracy Week

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The Reflection Group on the European local democracy week (ELDW) met on 27 March 2018, in Strasbourg. This first meeting was the occasion to launch discussions on a new strategy to advance this pan-European initiative.


Chaired by Gaye DOGANOGLU (Turkey, EPP/CCE), Vice-president of the Congress and thematic Spokesperson of the ELDW, the Group assessed the 10 years of the Week. By taking stock of practices and comments which were expressed on the occasion of the October session, which represented the 10th anniversary of the initiative, the Group tackled the new issues linked to the evolution of the ELDW.


This group is composed of designated representatives of the three Congress Commitees, namely Majlinda BUFI (Albania, SOC), Andreas GALSTER (Germany, EPP/CCE) and John WARMISHAM (United-Kingdom, SOC) as well as Rita JONUSAITE (Lithuania), former Youth Delegate and Policy officer for youth participation at the European Youth Forum.