The annual coordination meeting of the European Local Democracy Week was held on 5 February in Paris. Forty-five participants from participating cities from 6 countries (France, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine) and national associations of local authorities was on hand to evaluate the 2017 edition of ELDW on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of this event. The participants had the occasion to present their activities and also made proposals for 2018, which is under the theme “Citizens participation, consultation and commitment: for a thriving local democracy”.
A special emphasis will be put on the children and youth participation. In addition, this meeting was the occasion to put forward suggestions for new modalities for future ELDW editions. At the close of the meeting, Gaye DOGANOGLU (Turkey, EPP/CCE), Congress Vice-President of the Congress and thematic Spokesperson on the ELDW, awarded the ”12-stars” partners of the 2017 edition with certificates, on behalf of the Congress President, as an expression of gratitude for their participation and commitment. Seventy-four partners from 20 countries marked the 10th anniversary of the ELDW in 2017.