The European Week of Local Democracy 2013 in Falun, especially dedicated to engaging young citizens

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At the general coordination meeting of ELDW held in Paris, 14 February 2014, Linnea Risinger, Member of the Democracy Council of Falun (Sweden) presented its first experience of participation in the ELDW as a “12 Star City”. Falun celebrated local democracy with a 5-day program in September 2013, devoting each day to a different level of civic democratic participation: local, regional, national, transnational and global. But the active work of promoting democracy didn’t stop in the municipality with the end of the Week; the Democracy Council established in the occasion of ELDW, the weekly newsletters dealing with local issues of concern, the Democracy Passport developed and distributed around the city and the follow-up events will all contribute to keep citizens interested in democratic issues and politics at local level.

Presentation of the ELDW in Falun