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Involvement of citizens and youth in Metz for democratic participation

Metz (France) has taken part in the ELDW since 2011 and held the status of “12 Star City” for the second time. Patricia Sallusti, Deputy Mayor of Metz, presented the events organised by the city in the 2013 edition of ELDW. One of these was the “citizen coffee” on “Active citizenship: voting, sharing, participating” which took place with the participation of many citizens, local officials and representatives of associations. As part of the initiative “ November of Equality ”, the Municipal Council of Children met with the French associations, SOS Racisme and MRAP, to talk about discrimination and integration. During the 2013 Democracy Week, the 7th meeting of the participation network Grand Est was held in Metz, with a great focus on participatory democracy and its challenges for local governance.

Presentation of the ELDW in Metz